Personalized Google Reviews Standee, Revolutionize Customer Feedback.

Instant Review Access: With just a tap or scan, customers can quickly access your Google review page.
NFC & QR Code Enabled: State-of-the-art NFC and QR code integration ensures compatibility with a wide range of smartphones.
Boost Your Online Visibility: Enhance your Google ratings, crucial for businesses and online reputation.
User-Friendly Design: Sleek, intuitive design makes it easy for customers to interact and engage.
Real-Time Feedback: Receive immediate customer reviews, providing valuable insights to improve your services.


Tap products work on iPhone XR and newer and most Androids.

For iPhones from 7 to X, you either activate your NFC widget from the control centre, or you can share your tap QR code.

To tap on older phones, you can use your tap QR code! Either way, you can always share your profile without the other person needing an app.

Personalized Google Reviews Standee, Revolutionize Customer Feedback.
What is a Google Review Card?

A Google Review Card is a physical or digital card designed to make it easier for businesses to gather authentic customer reviews on Google. By using this card, businesses can streamline the review process, encouraging satisfied customers to share their positive experiences online.

How Does the Google Review Card Work?

You can tap your Google Review card on your customer’s phone. Customers can also scan the QR code provided on the card, which takes them directly to your business’s Google review page. There, they can quickly and easily leave a review, making the process hassle-free.

Who can benefit from using Google Review Cards?

Any business looking to boost its online reputation and visibility on Google can benefit from using Google Review Cards. They are especially useful for local businesses, restaurants, retailers, and service providers seeking to increase their customer trust and credibility.

Is it difficult to set up my Google Review Cards?

Setting up Google Review Cards is straightforward. You will need to generate a QR code or a direct link to your Google Business review page and print it on the cards. We provide detailed instructions and support to help you through the process.

Can I customize my Google Review Cards?

Yes, Google Review Cards are customizable with your business name.

How long does it take to see results after distributing Google Review Cards?

The time it takes to see results can vary based on several factors, including how actively you distribute the cards and engage with your customers. However, many businesses start to see an increase in their Google reviews within a few weeks of actively using the cards.

Are Google Review Cards effective in improving Google rankings?

Yes, accumulating more positive reviews on Google can help improve your business’s visibility and search rankings on Google. Reviews are a key factor in local search rankings, making these cards a valuable tool for SEO.

What material are the Google Review Cards made of?

Our standard Google Review Cards are made of high-quality PVC, ensuring durability and a professional appearance. However, we also offer eco-friendly options upon request.


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